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September 2006 Session (recovery exams)

First year subjects

Introduction to the Theory of Text 1.2 :
Students from A to J
Students from M to V.
* 27 Sept: Corrected -- missing grades added
Academic Essay 1.1 :
All students
Academic Essay 1.2 :
Group A.
Group B
British Literature 1.2 : The Augustan Age
LRE-1 students (2005*), from A to G.
LRE-1 students (2005*), from J to T.
LRE-2 students (2004*).
LRE-3 students (2003*)
* For easy identification, this number indicates the year when you entered University.

Second year subjects

British Literature 2.1: Romanticism & Victorianism:
LRE-2 students (2004*) and older.
* For easy identification, this number indicates the year when you entered University.
British Literature 2.2 the Victorian Counter-canon:
LRE-2 students (2004*)
LRE-3 students (2003*)
* For easy identification, this number indicates the year when you entered University.

Third year subjects

British Literature 3.1 Joyce & Woolf:

LRE-3 (2003) students.
British Literature 3.2 D.H. Lawrence, Beckett, O'Brien, Orwell...:
LRE-3 students (2003)
American Literature - 3.1 - Nineteenth Century
LRE-3 students (2003)
American Literature - 3.2 - Late Modernism & Postmodernism
LRE-3 students (2003*)